Story Time
Nov 19, 2023
We all have patient stories that will stick in our minds forever.
I had a patient named Don who started seeing us in our dizziness clinic.
He couldn't move his head from side to side without getting extremely dizzy and nauseous.
It started over 2 years prior, and had gotten worse over time.
He had developed severe anxiety.
Restricted almost all of his activities.
He was isolated and depressed, and only 54 years old.
Thankfully, we had a stellar team of neuro-vestibular PTs who helped him make incredible progress with his dizziness.
He started shopping again.
He went to his son's high school football game.
First one he'd been able to attend in almost two years.
Once his dizziness was reduced, it was time to address Don' hearing loss and tinnitus.
He had tried hearing aids nearly two years before.
They caused his anxiety to flare up.
Couldn't tolerate it.
He was incredibly hesitant to try again.
I had to be his coach.
We went slow.
Met frequently.
We talked him off the ledge from giving up several times.
After a few months, he started adapting.
He was reconnecting with the world.
Listening to music that he loved from his childhood.
Enjoying meals out with his family.
One day in my office we were discussing his progress and he started crying.
He had given up on life.
Resigned himself to solitude and silence.
Our service gave him his life back.
Our commitment to his success became an inflection point for the rest of his time on earth.
Don's story became one that I shared with dozen of patients who were worried that they wouldn't be able to find success with their own hearing or dizziness treatment.
Document and Share Stories
Humans connect through stories.
It's in our DNA.
As you work with patients and experience incredible stories with them...
Document them!
Write them down, record an interview, store them in your memory bank.
Practice telling patient stories in a concise and compelling way.
When you meet a patient who has similarities with your "Story" patients, share the story!
I promise you, the story will connect so much more deeply than any other education or resource you could offer.
Stories build trust, inspire confidence, and increase motivation.
Start telling more stories and let me know what happens in your practice.
Want to help more patients in your practice? Schedule a risk-free strategy session to discuss your goals and develop a plan with Brad Stewart, AuD.